We don’t read as much as we used to about child development, but once in awhile I feel like, “better check the data to make sure there are no glitches”.
And, as I have mentioned before, we often rely on the Louise Bates Ames collection of books as a baseline for where are kids are at. Some of the material may feel dated, but in general we find the studies have been consistent with our own experiences. How often I see these books on the shelves of our trusted doctors and schools, I think it is not a bad place to start.
But it was with some trepidation that I ordered up a copy of “Your Ten Year Old…” because it seems like such a big deal. Then, when I noticed the full title “Your Ten-to-Fourteen Year-Old”, I was flummoxed.
Oh my, what exactly are we getting ourselves into!
The book remained unread or (even glanced at), on my side table for quite a while. But two things happened: The Pandemic wore on and my reading time increased and two, after a overdue visit to Luke’s doctor where he casually notified me that Luke was showing early signs of puberty, I internally pronounced:
Oh jeez, better open the book fast!
As with so many parenting moments of anguish, The written word calmed my worried soul. To paraphrase: Ten is calm, smart, collected, energetic, enthusiastic, smart, healthy and above all else filled with:
It describes our Luke with his many episodes of ups and downs and what one might expect from a thriving human being, so without further adieu, here is a few minutes of pure marble minded equilibrium from Master Luke.