Years in the making and years in the posting. We have eaten Pho together as a family ever since (even before) the kids were born. Here is my homage to that magical elixir. And what better place to share but on the Continuing Adventures of Luke and Lily. Perhaps I will do some more updates soon!
Post 388: The never ending pandemic
As Lily asked in Post 385: Heard at lunch there is a somewhat ominous feeling that life will just continue with masks, distancing and a lot of alone time. I certainly know first hand how hard it is for adults, what I am less sure about and have varying degrees of concern over is that it might be even more damaging for our resilient, level headed children.
Luke is starting to get fuzzy about his life in California, which is now three years in his past. That means that of the three years in his current affairs box, one of them is in pandemic mode. Ugh.
All we can do is do our best and on this first day of 2021 think and pray for better times and as always be incredibly thankful for what we have.
OK, enough of that.

Luke is certainly having his time with early adolescence. It is coming out in awkward, physically disruptive jaunts. The other day we went out to play baseball with some friends, a sport Luke excels in. Luke could not the ball. I mean fifty swings at the air. He got frustrated, upset. When we were home later and talking about it he calmly asserted: “Well, it is not the most important thing in the world and I haven’t played baseball in three months anyway.” Way to go Luke!
He is also developing the loveliest sense of humor, I walked by his room, he was squeezed between the bed and the wall, where pillows, clothes and who knows what else lie. I thought I heard a rustle and asked:
“Luke, are you there?“
“Yes, just hiding from the alligators“
Lily is growing rapidly in all directions. She does her darnedest to try and keep up with Luke, which in and of itself in a herculean task (or a Megara-ian task as it should be)
She is constantly producing the loveliest inventive artwork. Lego animals

and little surprises that appear around the house unannounced. We had recently got around to hanging artwork in a barren hallway, two of the images are of beloved music icons. A few days later this appeared.

So, am I concerned, no not really. Just trying to make sens of it all. My head is pretty fuzzy too.
Post 387: River
Post 386: Marble Equilibrium
We don’t read as much as we used to about child development, but once in awhile I feel like, “better check the data to make sure there are no glitches”.
And, as I have mentioned before, we often rely on the Louise Bates Ames collection of books as a baseline for where are kids are at. Some of the material may feel dated, but in general we find the studies have been consistent with our own experiences. How often I see these books on the shelves of our trusted doctors and schools, I think it is not a bad place to start.
But it was with some trepidation that I ordered up a copy of “Your Ten Year Old…” because it seems like such a big deal. Then, when I noticed the full title “Your Ten-to-Fourteen Year-Old”, I was flummoxed.

Oh my, what exactly are we getting ourselves into!
The book remained unread or (even glanced at), on my side table for quite a while. But two things happened: The Pandemic wore on and my reading time increased and two, after a overdue visit to Luke’s doctor where he casually notified me that Luke was showing early signs of puberty, I internally pronounced:
Oh jeez, better open the book fast!
As with so many parenting moments of anguish, The written word calmed my worried soul. To paraphrase: Ten is calm, smart, collected, energetic, enthusiastic, smart, healthy and above all else filled with:
It describes our Luke with his many episodes of ups and downs and what one might expect from a thriving human being, so without further adieu, here is a few minutes of pure marble minded equilibrium from Master Luke.
Post 385: Heard at lunch
Lily: “what is this is the never ending pandemic?”
Luke: “Well, then I guess we would get used to living this way.”
What I particularly enjoyed about this brief, yet profound conversation was that both statements were made without fear, stress or anxiety.