There has not been a lot of ability to write or convey my thoughts on Pandemic 2020 parenting. Boy, there is certainly a lot to talk about, just not a lot of enthusiasm to fulfill, I imagine most people understand this feeling by now.
With restrictions easing and states opening and the slightest possibility of positivity, here I am saying something.
Luke and Lily are doing great. They both have there own way of dealing with this time:
Luke: “I really appreciate your home schooling, but to be honest, you guys are not very good teachers (duh!) I cant wait to get back to school!”
Lily: “When will I have a play date again!”
But when I sit back and watch them have their day, doing the things they want to do, I breath relief, I see healthy, inquisitive, hopeful minds, I am able to relax a bit on it all.
Lily just continues the love of exploration when given an opportunity.
Luke is constantly creating and partaking in interesting, mechanically provocative adventures.
Deep breath.