Day Seventy

Day seventy a milestone? Not really, but it sure sounds good.

Almost no sleep last night as the little bird was really acting kooky at bedtime, just kinda UP!, when the rest of us were DOWN. Anyway, that resulted in me sleeping in the kids room to help her through the night and that means no sleep till Brooklyn for daddy.

Oh well, its a beautiful day and tonight is the Lantern Walk with Luke’s school.

One of the many things Luke school does that just blows away any other preschool I am aware of are these wonderful, colorful, fascinating outing they plan throughout the year. Now I have NEVER been to most of them because I used to work like 14 hours a day, so tonight will be my first Lantern Walk even though it is Luke’s third. I think pictures will have to tell the rest of this story.

Oh, the Story of an Umma is still coming, don’t you worry bout that my fine friends.

It a game of cat and mouse this afternoon, she’s sick, she is sleeping better than she has in days, but I gotta go get Luke! I mean how can you disrupt this:

2014-10-17 13.48.50Just a personal side note that I think it is funny how I have tried my entire adult life to invent something online, even before there was a “blog” that people would relate to and come back to (Lily is just waking up, gotta be quick) and low and behold, this one, these Adventures are the first meanderings that have crossed over (a wee bit).


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