Day Eighty


Kind of a blur, but the two moments that stand out are:

First thing in the morning I am sitting at the kitchen table and Lily approaches with a gift. Now, Lily brings me things all the time, so the fact that she had something was inconsequential. It was small, round, soft, brown, oh a turd!

After school I am driving home with Luke and he asked me two questions.

What is a unicorn?

What is a unitard?

I believe I answered both correctly


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The only other realization is just how difficult I think it is going to be to wheel and deal over candy consumption with the kids (whatever Luke gets Lily gets!), but just one day later and Luke has pretty much forgotten about it, not fully, but I know it is not like weeks of candy conversations and for that I am grateful. Luke really just likes all the fun, the staying up late, the going to peoples houses, etc.

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