Back to the old routine, filled with mixed emotions. Taking Luke to school, seeing him be so happy to be back. Riding in the car with Lily and her looking, no STARING at me in the rear view mirror like “Where is Luke?”, we went from spending so much time together as a family over the holiday to this, must seem a bit confusing to a 19 month old.
But, then again, a nineteen month olds ability to understand EVERYTHING is astounding. a few days ago was taking Lily to bed, she had been having some very difficult sleeping nights which resulted in both mommy and daddy spending more then usual amount of time rocking and holding her through the night. I stopped to give her a chance to say goodnight to Luke and mommy. She was calm. Mommy said goodnight and then said “Lily, can you please try and sleep through the night tonight.” Lily heard it, thought about it and then said: “squwalk, squwalk, squalk, ahh ahh ahh, shaking her head no” It was as clear as day. I was astounded, though I should be.
Today was her first RIE class in many weeks, she was jazzed to be there for sure, but we could not even make it to the end, she was getting tired and hungry adn needed to go home, which we did and now napping quietly.
We hae a great plan for Luke’ birthday, which is coming up next month, I will tell you more about that next time on…
The Continuing Adventures of Luke and Lily