Luke’s and Lily’s Grandmother is in town and a few things have happened. One was complete validation for me when after spending an afternoon with Lily, Gram’s comment was “She’s one busy girl!”
Now, you must understand that this is coming from one of the most wonderfully busy people I have ever met in my life, gram does not know the meaning of the words, lets do that later, because she does does it NOW!
Must be in the blood.
Another fast move on Lily’s part was that after Gram had put her into and out of the car seat a total of TWO TIMES, Lily would not have me do it anymore, had to be Gram and ONLY Gram.
It is going to be pretty hard when Gram leaves, Old Dad’s gonna have to come up with some new tricks.
Meanwhile Luke’s Birthday was great, Mom was able to take the day off from work and made a wonderful cake and we had homemade pizza and it was a beautiful day.
Mom rode Luke to school on the bike and it was clear that this would be the last ride, we were barely able to get the straps over him.
We are all geared up for the Treasure hunt party this weekend.