Post 373: Our first time capsule

We got these great 300 piece puzzles around Christmas of 2017. We enjoyed the first one so much that we got a second one.

When we finished the first one there was one piece missing, never found it


We started packing to move to and we found the last piece of the first puzzle,

but our story does not end there.

While packing up the green room (our play room) in his haste, Daddy is not sure which of the puzzle boxes he put the missing piece in. Therefore, when you uncover this note some rainy day in Maine when it is time to build the puzzles again, I would advise being ware of this interesting development.

Till then,


Post 372: Luke tweaks the fridge

This morning while making breakfast I pulled out a frozen 1 quart tub of yogurt. I mumbled to myself:

“Geez, that’s odd, what is going on with the fridge?”

Luke perked up and said, “what did you say?”

I explained that for a few weeks a lot of things in the fridge have been freezing inexplicably. I then went to the controls and noticed the fridge was set to 33 degrees, to which I further expressed my disbelief.

Luke: “Oh, I did that”

I told him next time if he could please let me know if he wants to change the temperature on the fridge, he said sure.

The bottom line is that I was secretly really happy that he had done it, it is just the kind of inquisitive nature that I cherish, frozen lemons, ketchup and yogurt be gone!

Post 371: Rainbows and Love

We didn’t try to make her be this way, I didn’t notice any moment where rainbows, unicorns, fairies or glitter was forced upon Lily in any way, yet there it is. She is a person who loves love. Loves rainbows and glitter and fairies and love.

There could be nothing more calming and gentle and fulfilling than to listen to Lily talk about love, rainbows, unicorns, and glittery things, it is perfection in life.

I hope that one day she will be in a position to share and endow other people with such a genuinely giving countenance.


Post 369: Olympics

We don’t have a tv, but we love things like World Series’, Super Bowls’ (which the kids call the brain damage sport) and of course the Olympics.

So I signed up for some streaming service in order to watch the 2018 games in Pyeongchang. Little did I know, or more realistically, I was completely fooling myself that the screen exposure would come at great cost.

This morning before school I heard no less then four comments made between Luke and Lily about Jack in the Box, Shaq, Big Macs and Oreos. The Oreos commercial was even played out after school eating real Oreos while both kids mimicked the commercial with incredible accuracy.

I watched too much tv as a child, there is no doubt. So much so that I memorized the tv listings between 3:30p when I got home and 7pm when I guess it was time to start getting ready for bed. I spent pretty much every afternoon glued to the “idiot box“. Did it rot my brain?, no, but other than a vast amount of useless trivia and a small amount of relatively useless pop culture memories, it certainly did not add anything good for my life except keep me company. The time spent mindlessly watching could have been put the much better use.

So I decided to “pause” the Olympics. I expected some push back from the kids, but instead a wonderful thing happened! The Olympics didn’t stop! The kids just kept on going with their own.

  • 1. One man bobsled on the front lawn (which is totally flat) using our plastic snow sleds.
  • 2. Curling in the hallway with brooms and marbles
  • 3. Ice dancing in the living room, singles and doubles and I am so sorry to say that I was unable to capture any movies of this, because it was glorious, especially the part where Luke was picking up Lily and twirling her.

The games did continue another day and I decided to go a little overboard with the documentation, as is my style. Below is some “live” coverage.