Post 366: Luke and Lily’s cooking show

There has been a long history of Luke cooking his own concoctions in our kitchen. It started so many years ago when we literally found him all alone in the kitchen, knee deep in flour and eggs. Low and behold a cake he had indeed made! We gratefully donated it to a friends birthday celebration.

Cut to about two weeks ago when Lily decided to start her own baking creations. “Can I make a cake?

This has turned now into a routine activity.

We even had Luke and Lily cakes for desert the other night. Mom and I were very full and opted for just a bite or two, but Luke dutifully ate quite a slice, god bless him.

Today’s seminar took on a feverish pace, with a constant checking and Re-checking of levels of sweetness and a very specific attention paid what the other baker was doing and adding. Your adding chocolate?, I’m gonna add chocolate!

It all reminds me of this bugs bunny clip so much I can’t help but post it, so you can better understand the intensity of the whole affair.

I sat and watched as the amount of cleanup grew, and grew and grew. I thought fast, because what I was expecting was “I’m done” and a speedy exit. So before that happened I made some new house rules about the baking show.

Counter top needs to be be exactly as how you found it.

It worked!

Cakes were finished, some looked better than others, life goes on until the next episode of:

The Luke and Lily Cooking Show!


Post 361: The Moon

Heard from the back seat of the minivan, my beloved minivan.

Lily: “Daddy, are there different shaped moons or is there just one moon and it can make different shapes?” (phases)

Dad: “One moon Lily”

Lily: “I’m just saying, if Alaska was right next to California, would they see two different moons or the same moon?”

Dad: “Same moon Lily”

Post 360: Santa Mail

Luke remembered that there is a “Santa’s mailbox” at mom’s work the other day and instantly dashed this off:

He has been dutifully asking for the Lego Cargo Train for three years, and very nicely explained to me and mom, that is has been that long and that at this point Santa HAS to comply.

I think he is right, and just want to mention that this is also the boy that will energetically and with complete intensity play air hockey on a little battery powered air hockey set by himself and keep score, and stay excited the whole game.

Now, the hard part, Lily has written this note:

Please advise.