Post 320: Where’s the cake?

Yesterday was my birthday. It fell on a Thursday and since mom works all week there really was not time to make a “cake”. That will just have to wait until the weekend, which is fine by me.

This morning Lily slept in a little bit, missing Mom’s and Luke departure for school drop off. When this happens Lily ALWAYS appears in her sleepy little way saying: “Where’s Mom?”

This morning Lily appeared and said:

“Where’s the cake?”

I was so thrown off, I was not sure what she was saying, so I asked her again, to which she replied:

“Where is the birthday cake?”

(Our little girl is not so little anymore)

Post 319: Holiday Traditions

My wife and I often talk about creating and maintaining family traditions. It feels like a good way to bring the feeling of community and togetherness into our world.

We also often lament the lack of our own traditions, feeling that many of them are lost to time or our respective family histories.

I realized the other day that we have a wonderful family tradition, that is all our own at the end of the year.

On the last day of the year we join some friends (who invited us to join their tradition) of watching the sunset over the ocean. It is a fantastic way to end the year and everyone gets to be in bed long before the ball drops!

Then, for the last two years we have gone to Vasquez Rocks on the first day of the new year, and thus is born our family tradition! Below is the proof.

Post 318: Private Communications

Last summer we cleaned out my mom’s house and in the process the kids started playing quite a bit with her cordless telephone. We realized we were just going to give them away, so instead we shipped them home for Luke and Lil’s use.

They use them sporadically and always somehow get them to connect to each other. We no longer have a land line in our house, so there is no dial tone, but the kids found a way to talk to each other.

I never really paid it much notice until the other day when Lily asked me to call Luke on the phone. She handed it to me and I started trying to find an intercom button or something that I thought would connect me to the other phone.

I asked Lily how to do it and she said:

Oh, just dial your number


Just dial your number Daddy, 310.948.XXXX

I did and was immediately connected to Luke. Now I honestly don’t understand how that worked, and was immediately flabbergasted to their ingenuity.

Post 316: Why they are special


Children just have the most amazing ability to be pure. It is what I treasure most and what I feel needs to be guarded, nurtured and protected for as long as possible.

Just his ability to be so helpful and thoughtful. We went over to see my 91 year mom the other night, it was a late outing for Luke and Lily and Luke was all business. He wanted to push the wheel chair, he wanted to hold the doors, he told Lily as an aside (no running, we need to be quiet). All of it was done with pure love and concern and I asked none of it to happen, it was all Luke.

She saw all her unused bottles in the cabinet and said: “what should we do with them?”. I told her that the daughter of the woman who runs her preschools has need of any child and baby items. That she gives these items to moms that are unable to supply for themselves. Lily was so excited by this. She said it was a good idea. She grabbed a bag, filled it with all the bottles and tops and we delivered the package when I dropped her off at school.

I teared up, I think her teacher did a bit as well.