Day Two Twenty Nine

2015-10-05 13.07.42 HDR

Lily has the ability to convey almost any thought with her storage bank of words. It is amazing that with so few words, some real, some made up, she can tell us everything.

Mail pronounced meal is everything that comes in a box or delivered.
Brush pronounced Bice is everything brush, comb, broom, anything bice-able
Liquid is Unya
Owee needs no explanation
Me, Mine needs no explanation
Any ball or round object is a Baboo
Moon is Nana
Animal alive or in toy form is GeeGee I I
Dogs is a Deek Deek
Bus is Ba
Plane is P
Park is Paa
Cat is Meow Meow
Diaper is Poo Undie
All other lower body clothing is No Poo Undie

The list goes on. She makes sentences out of her words and tells all. She got swiped by a cat a few weeks ago and now refers to that episode as Meow Meow Owee (with a hand swipe gesture).

Day Two Zero Nine


“Daddy, You know Mars moons is going to crash into Mars and break it pretty soon.

We read about it in the Mars book.”

Daddy: “Thats right, I think it is a few million years away from happening.”

Luke: “Yeah, its not that soon.”

Daddy: “Does this news interfere with your planned visit?”

Luke: “No, I will grow up in about a million years, or maybe a hundred, so it will be before Mars stops working.”

Daddy: “Ok”

Day Two Zero Seven

Luke on his tree platform

Heard in the green room (the room with pretty much only kids toys has green floor rug in it)

Luke: That’s not Lego!, thats made of PLASSSTIC!, chuck it

It was said in reference to me finding a small rubber pirate in one of the “many” lego bins.