We have been coming to the Bruder truck store for years.
Today due to the closing of all LAUSD schools we had a “snow day” and Bruder was tops on Luke’s list of things to do even though we have not been there in months.
Two things happened.
We got to the Bruder Truck store and the gentleman that is in charge of doling out the toys (one at a time!) was sick and also had a neck brace on. He asked if I could help him get the trucks of the shelves, to which I proudly said “yes”.
About five minutes later he said he had to leave to go to the doctors office to get his MRI checked. He pretty much said, your on your own, is that all right? To which I proudly said “yes”
So here we are alone at the Bruder Truck Store, Christmas did indeed come early.
But there is another, possibly greater side to this tale.
Every time we have been to the Bruder store in the past it has been a bit of a cat and mouse game with Lily. She just wants to wander around, doesn’t really want to play with the trucks and I wind up chasing her the whole time, kind of a drag.
Today that seems to have changed. She is totally engaged with her truck, in this case a horse trailer complete with “nay nays” and once again I am somehow surprised and amazed that my daughter Lily is actually growing up.