This is really a snippet of what needs to be a longer post, or possible a book.
Luke’s interest, availability and need to make things, imaginative playful things is growing rapidly. I am doing my darndest to give him room to grow in that area. Not to have stuff ready for him to make, but to try and create environments that let his imaginative skill set flourish. which, in reality that is not hard to do.
He has been working on a Delta 5 rocket ship for about a week. It continues to evolve and grow. It now has a communication system, and some other stuff that I have no idea what it does, but sounds really cool. And, it is built for two!
I am pretty excited and happy about the crane arm I built into Luke’s construction area. It was a few weeks for me to figure out how to make it and get all the parts, but as soon as it was available it was in use and he is currently building a house that he says is the same size as ours, but has a second story. So far most of the foundation is done, but he says he will be needing a lot more wood.He has also asked to use my hand tools enough so that I figured it was time for him to have his own toolbox, which we gave him on Lily’s birthday. He knows about it and he asked if there will be a saw?
I hesitated on the saw, cause I was afraid what he might start sawing, (see this wonderful academy award winning short to stress my point)
I kinda hesitated when he asked and said, well, what are you going to saw with it.
“Why, wood of course!”
OK, he gets a saw.