I have to fess up on my ability to update this blog assiduously over the last several months. Up until somewhere around 175 days I was painstakingly making sure that the days and weekends (mommy days) were indeed in the right order and correct, even though there are no dates attached to the post.
Well, life is too short to maintain this kind of exactitude for old Da and now I just do my best to get the info out there, correct order or not!
We had the May Day celebration with Luke’s school on this weekend and as always it was a gorgeous, lovely, lively and an exhausting party day.
We got home by around 1pm and it felt to mom and me as if we had been to the beach all day.
Luke had one the the largest meltdowns ever on the account that his hotdog had been cut in two without his knowledge. It went on for twenty minutes and resulted in a botched attempt by me to glue it back together with ketchup. The moral of the story is do do ANYTHING without Luke knowing, unless you are prepared, I mean really prepared.