Luke became quite fascinated in parachutes.
We spent the day trying to build one. He really wanted one that he could use, that would “deploy” and carry him safely to the ground, from like the top of a chair. There was some experimentation, ultimately we made one for a smaller object which worked quite well and went to the highest place he could think of (a second floor veranda at an office building nearby, which I was flabergasted he thought of because it is indeed the best place I could think of as well) a good time was had by all.
Except, at one point in the day I was really frustrated because I felt like it was just me building a parachute for him to play with. Of course my frustration had to do with the difficulty I was having making a workable parachute! I got past all that and the one we eventually made was indeed built by both of us.
Alas, there was no photo documentation made that day for whatever reason.
But today Luke wanted to revisit the very first parachute we made that day, a yellow silk attached directly to his body and this time I was ready.