So much has happened, so much growth it is incredible. Here are a few conversations we have been having recently.
(In the car today after school)
Where is my painting?
what painting?
The painting I made today at school?
I don’t know, it must be at school?
I need it now, we have to get it.
I dont think we have time to get it, perhaps you can get it in the morning?
I need it right now.
(then, with a certifiably accurate dramatic pause…)
I am going to cry now.
(another pause)
Crying sounds start.
I have a owee, I need a bandaid.
I can get you a bandaid when we park the car
Crying disappears and the painting was never mentioned again.
This next conversation happens many mornings these days.
Lily: Is it today or tomorrow?
Dad or Mom: It is today
Lily: When will it be tomorrow?
Mom or Dad: After another sleep.
Lily: “Tooooooo longgggggggg”
It is all very Frog and Toad-esque, so why not take a look at this article in the Atlantic entitled Frog and Toad and the Self